Stéphane Galienni, Directeur associé Balistik#Art
ll Galienni’s life – all his lives, even – has been devoted to art: in his professional experience, where he worked in the communications industry, and in his arts activities, which embrace painting, films (writing and production) and illustration.
Once he’d graduated in arts and communication, Galienni became an art director, firstly at Publicis for five years, and subsequently went into event management (he organised evening events at the Noga Hilton and on the Lady Liberty yacht during the last Cannes film festival). This is how he came to work with luxury brands and resorts (Cannes, Paris, Luxembourg).
If Galienni’s professional career was glittering, his private career has not been much different. He threw himself wholeheartedly into the visual arts. First in illustration, where he took part in a web art project, contributing to the “self-portrait” theme for a special edition of gregory Chatonsky’s project; he also did the illustration of a book called “Chroniques Birmanes” for Harmattan publishers. Then he turned to film, where he produced a series of videos entitled “Shoot’em up!” for the contemporary art museum of Toulouse. Finally he focussed on painting, and took part in an increasing number of exhibitions (“Art sans cible” at the Atzora gallery, “Calligraphie urbaine” at the Zen Studio) and performances (travelling exhibition of paintings for the Cannes film Festival, entitled “Une toile des toiles”, based on the seven films competing for the Caméra d’Or at Cannes).
Stéphane Galienni, Directeur associé de Balistik Art, l’agence des belles marques
— Expert consultant en communication, 22 ans d’expérience
— Directeur du BLSTK Replay, veille sectorielle luxe (+ 300 numéros)
— Contributions à divers ouvrages sur le marketing de luxe
— Directeur de l’agence Balistik#Art, spécialisée en communication digitale dans l’univers premium et luxe
— Professeur à la Paris School of Luxury
— Speaker francophone